Since becoming Parents, the beach seems to be our go to destination for vacationing. This is the second time that we have gone to the beach with our (now 26 month old) twins. When they were only 8- months old last year, we had to pack basically our entire house for a week away. Read on to know what we carried along this time as Beach Essentials for Toddlers.

Although our beach gear almost remained the same from the time they first went for a beach holiday as babies carefully tucked in our baby carriers, but a toddler does have some different needs. Or I must say, quite a few needs!
While we were prepared that our beach vacation wouldn’t be any closer to what it meant before we became parents (just sipping a drink and soaking in the sun with sand in our toes!), it was only when we started packing the beach essentials for our Tweenies that we realised how frantic “vacationing with toddlers” could be! Thankfully, we have learned to streamline our packing so that we can focus on some of the fun activities that our toddlers now will enjoy. Of course, we still overpacked for the week, but we learned very quickly what the kids wanted/needed at the beach and what was not necessary.
To make the process a wee bit less intimidating, today I’m sharing the list I used to pack for the beach with my 2-year old twins.
Beach Essentials for Toddlers
1. Beach Tote
Get a beach tote that fits the essentials, so you only need to schlep one bag to your outing. We got a great deal with this one. Is there anything larger, more durable, or cuter? The mesh lets the sand fall out, isn’t it genius?!
2. Swim Suit
Look for swim suits that keep your baby protected and come in extremely soft fabric. We got these simple ones as they came in different colours for both the kids.
Looking for some ideas to dress up your little munchkin like a boss? Checkout these simple yet stylish looks.
3. Swim Diapers
Water-resistant swim diapers are the way to go when heading with your baby to the beach. Since we believe in eco-friendly parenting, I picked two each of these cute re-usable diapers.
4. Sun Hat
A nice wide-brimmed sun hat is a must-have to protect your baby from those hot rays. My kids are as it is very fond of adorning their head gears, so it wasn’t really a task for me. But I know of a lot of toddlers who just hate wearing a hat or cap. So you might just think of practicing something before you head for your beach vacation.
5. Sunscreen
Our plan for this vacation was to be out & about- that’s what toddlers like, right? Getting hold of the right sunscreen that ensures protection from UV rays along with nourishment was important for me. Plus, with my daughter’s skin being eczema-prone, I didn’t want to settle with any product that had harsh chemicals. I picked this mineral-based sunscreen that is 100% non irritant and ideal for baby’s sensitive skin.
6. Beach Sandles
When K & A were babies during their first beach holiday, we carried them in baby carriers most of the time and footwear was not really an issue. But now with these two being on their toes all the time, we were worried about their feet getting burned from hot sand or scratched from rocks or other stuff dumped at the beach. These Crocs worked great for us! I like the sandal style because it allows feet to breath and doesn’t collect sand or water. Most importantly the back-strap offers a snug fit preventing the shoe from easily falling off.
7. Hooded Towel
These are great for keeping the ears covered and for drying off with ease! This was the only towel K used on the beach! It kept him warm & dry when he got out of the water and protected him from the sun with all the sunscreen washed off.
8. Fresh set of clothes
This is a must-have so that you & the kids have a comfortable journey back from the beach. With A being very particular about her clothes and a stickler for cleanliness, we packed a set of cozy comfortable PJs in our bag. Don’t forget to keep a change for yourself too!
9. Sippy Cup & Munchies
We are very particular about water intake for our kids specially while travelling, more so when the time being spent is mostly out in the sun. Make sure you carry their favourite Sippy cup along to ensure sufficient hydration. Also, I was prepared for our kids to be famished post a one or two hour play at the beach. We didn’t keep the arrangements too elaborate. I just tossed in a pack of these healthy cookies which they could grab & munch easily without my help.
10. Toys
Our toddlers are not much into playing specifically with toys but when it comes to sand & shovel, even I can’t hold myself back! It’s so much fun to fill up pails with sand and make castles on the beach. We just picked up a pack of few such beach toys from a local shop there. We had however bought this frisbee before heading for this vacation and introduced K & A to the flying disc at the beach. Surprises work great on holidays, you see!
Other Random Items to Toss in Your Bag-
- Plastic bags (for stinky diapers, wet clothes, etc.)
- Tissues & wipes
- Camera/phone protectors
- Mosquito repellant
- Hand Sanitizer
- Baby powder (this was the best beach hack I learnt from this trip! Simply sprinkle a bit on the kids’ skin and voila- the sand is gone!)
So what’s in your packing list for the upcoming beach holiday? Don’t forget to share with us in comments below!
Go Mommy!