Helping Your Child Deal With Bullies & Preventing Them From Becoming One

“Bullying amongst children? Oh they are just kids! “ Have you come across such reactions with raised eyebrows when you try to find a solution to your child’s situation? Well, for a long time “bullying” per se has been associated with only teenagers and college-goers. Unfortunately, for younger children, “bullying” is simply labeled as ‘being […]

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DIY Worry Dolls

When I look back at my childhood, the first thing that I mostly think about is my long time companionship with “unwanted” worries! Yes, I have always been a “Worrisome” person who would worry about the slightest of things…even when there was nothing to really worry about! I believe I have inherited this from my […]

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DIY Christmas Ornaments You Can Make With Your Kids

And here we are…celebrating the end of one of the most adventurous, unexpected and vulnerable years of our life. The year 2020.  While most part of this year has been spent with family quarantined at home and creating lots of memories together, there’s nothing that beats the fun of crafting together. And that too when […]

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Guess How Many? DIY Math Game for Kids

When it comes to numbers, there are so so so many ways that mathematical functions & concepts can be shared in the simplest ways to children. Numbers can be explored all over the place in a child’s world ! And here’s one such simple yet highly interactive and entertaining game for kids. Guess how many? […]

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